FROM THE EXPERT: BREASTFEEDING WITH DISABILITIES THERÉSE E. APRILE BRZEZINSKI, M.A. Therése Aprile-Brzezinski is the Director of Planning and Public Policy for the Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc. (LICIL), located in Levittown, Long Island, New York....
To the dismay of countless people with disabilities, many Long Island Railroad (LIRR) stations pose a glaring lack of equal access, with elevators only available at some boarding locations. It’s not at all uncommon for commuters with disabilities to have to travel...
If you know how it feels to contend with naysayers, this one’s for you. “They told me I should just quit. They didn’t call my name…. Told me it was over…. But I’ve been deaf since I was three; so I didn’t listen.”...
Tori Spelling has teamed up with some moms on a mission to infuse inclusive advertising into our culture. Check out the Little Maven Holiday Lookbook 2013 to experience a wonderful spread that amplifies the beauty and fun that glows in all children. Share...