Help support the services of the Long Island Center for Independent Living by making a donation.
Thank you for considering a gift to the Long Island Center For Independent Living. Your donation will be used to support the many services and programs that the Center provides to persons with disabilities.
Donations can be made in memory of loved ones who have passed away. LICIL also accepts monetary or real property contributions by way of charitable bequests and wills. Please consult with your attorney for possible tax benefits.
Your donation is tax deductible.
For donations to LICIL, please print the LICIL DONATION FORM to mail in donation, or fill out the form below to donate online:
Online Donation Form
Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.
3601 Hempstead Turnpike, Suite 500
Levittown, NY 11756
The Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.
is a non-for-profit organization established in 1980.
TEL: 516-796-0144 En Español: 516-796-6176
TTY: 516-796-0135 Fax: 516-796-0529 / 516-520-1247
COPYRIGHT 2024, Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.