Lawsuits like the class-action recently filed by Long Islanders with disabilities against the Long Island Rail Road are about a great deal more than just bridging the gap between the train and the platform. At issue are the very civil rights of people with...
To the dismay of countless people with disabilities, many Long Island Railroad (LIRR) stations pose a glaring lack of equal access, with elevators only available at some boarding locations. It’s not at all uncommon for commuters with disabilities to have to travel...
If you’re concerned about the future of healthcare for PWD, you’ve got to get in on this! Our IL partners at Center for Independence of the Disabled New York are preparing for a Valentine’s Day social media campaign and we’re supporting the...
This Action Alert came to CDPAANYS via NYAIL and the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD). ACTION ALERT Act Now to Protect Healthcare & Medicaid! The Senate is planning to pass a budget that will begin the process of repealing the ACA as soon...
Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (CDPA) programs are a lifeline for countless people with disabilities and senior citizens. As a homecare option, CDPA can mean the difference between living freely and productively in the community and simply existing in an...
Today is July 26, 2016 — An extraordinary day in our history. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on this day 26 years ago and that’s reason to celebrate; to reflect; and to look with hope and determination toward a future where...