Telephone Adaptive Serivces
NYS Relay Service
Tel: 800-421-1220
Emergency TTY: 800-342-4357
TTY: 800-662-1220
Directory Assistance TTY: 800-855-1155
Toll-Free Anywhere in NY State: 711
NYS Relay Service in Spanish
Voice/TTY: 877-662-4886
Verizon Center for Customers with Disabilities
Tel: 800-974-6006
Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.
3601 Hempstead Turnpike, Suite 208 & 500
Levittown, NY 11756
The Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.
is a non-for-profit organization established in 1980.
TEL: 516-796-0144 En Español: 516-796-6176
TTY: 516-796-0135 Fax: 516-796-0529 / 516-520-1247
COPYRIGHT 2024, Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.