Governor Cuomo has proposed in his budget a measure to redefine what Consumer Directed Personal Assistance is, which will immediately force 9 out 10 fiscal intermediaries to shut down and put the entire program in jeopardy.
What You Should Know:
- CDPAANYS supports what are known as fiscal intermediaries, the agencies behind consumer directed personal assistance (CDPA) and those who benefit from the services, called consumers.
CDPA allows Medicaid eligible people who need long term care – whether personal care, home health care or nursing services – to hire and fire their own care staff instead of an outside agency assigning aides. This flexibility is a huge draw, as consumers can hire family and people they are comfortable with to perform this intimate and critical work.
Once a person is approved by Medicaid, the county or their managed care plan determines how many service hours they get. That person will then work with an agency called a fiscal intermediary to run the program day to day.
A common misconception is that fiscal intermediaries only act as a “Human Resources Department” for the consumer, handling legal requirements like payroll, workers comp and Medicaid compliance. In truth, fiscal intermediaries provide a wide range of other value-added services that help consumers thrive and ensure they – and the taxpayer – get the most from their services.
- CDPA is the only program that allows consumers to direct their own services and care for themselves.
CDPA prevents disabled or elderly people from having to go to a nursing facility or other institution. It gives them a better quality of life; the same, if not better quality of care; and a happier life with more independence.
The program affords participants the opportunity to hire a family member or someone who speaks the same language, eliminating communication and cultural barriers.
The program, which is ideal because of its flexibility, has created jobs for over 100,000 people and serves as the primary solution to New York’s home care workforce crisis.
- The proposed cuts to the program could ultimately lead to its elimination, which would be disastrous for people who rely on this form of home care.
The change proposed would cause those working as personal assistants – many who are women of color – to lose their jobs. It would also force those who rely on the program to find other means of care, which could mean going to a nursing home or having a constantly changing rotation of home care aides with whom they are unfamiliar or uncomfortable.This would put added pressure on family members, who are already working a second or third job to provide uncompensated care to or manage the care of a loved one. The impact on their quality of life and that of the seniors and people with disabilities who use the program cannot be overstated.
What You Can Do:
The State Assembly and Senate are elected to represent their constituents’ voices. Thanks to your advocacy and outreach in the past, they know what CDPA is. They know it is an important lifeline for thousands of New Yorkers.
We need you to do two things today!
First – Call Governor Cuomo at 518-474-8390. Tell him “Consumer directed personal assistance lets me live my life, on my terms, in my community. Your changes would send me to a nursing home. End your attack on seniors and the disabled today! Stop attacking CDPA.”
Second – Get ready for a trip to Albany! February 11 is our Legislative Day in Albany. Meet us at 10:00 in the Well of the Legislative Office Building. Apply for a scholarship and we may be able to help with some or all of your travel.
We can’t do this without you. YOUR representatives need to hear from YOU.
YOU elected them. YOU need to make sure they are here to fight for you.
They care about your stories and your experiences. That is in fact what will let us win.
CDPAANYS will provide you with meeting materials and help linking you with others from your area to maximize impact. You can also ask your fiscal intermediary to join their meetings.
Thank you for your help and support. You are CDPA.