As if the cuts to CDPA, and all of Medicaid, weren’t enough, this year’s budget also gave Governor Cuomo the power to make more budget cuts throughout the year. The Governor has released an early document – and it includes threats of cuts to Medicaid, education, and other important human services, by up to 20-30%. In a thinly veiled attempt to divide communities that have stood together throughout these cuts, he says that if he is not allowed to cut Medicaid and schools, he would have to cut everyone else by 60%.
But we know something the Governor refuses to recognize – budgets reflect choices, and New York is making the choice to cut critical services like CDPA instead of asking billionaires – who have actually made used this pandemic to increase their wealth by over 10% – to pay a little more in taxes.
The proposed cuts could be announced any time, and CDPAANYS will let you know what they say once they are, but we need to make it clear even before they are announced that attempts to divide and conquer will not work, and cutting basics like Medicaid, schools, home delivered meals, and more is not how we should deal with this crisis.
You’ve seen the horrible news about nursing homes and institutions in this state and globally. CDPA and community-based services not only actively prevent hospitalizations and curb the loss of life during this pandemic, they stabilize our economy. Instead of cutting healthcare and services to people who need them, the State must find ways to raise revenue that does not impact everyday New Yorkers.
We need you to get this message out to your elected officials!
CDPAANYS and our allies under the banner of Protect Medicaid have put together the below toolkit. Please use this Twitter toolkit over the next several days to help amplify the message. Find your Senator and Assemblymember’s Twitter handle here. If you’d like, we have pre-loaded tweets you can send just by following this link! If you want to send your own, but don’t know who your legislators are, you can find them here.
What You Can Do
1. Use the social media toolkit (posts included below) or just send messages by clicking here and help amplify the message #NoMoreCuts and #ProtectMedicaid!
2. Follow CDPAANYS on Facebook and Twitter and share/retweet our posts.
3. Tag your legislators, friends, and @NYGovCuomo himself in your posts.
The #NoMoreCuts & #ProtectMedicaid Social Media Toolkit
Partner Organizations:
Feel free to tag @CDPAANYS and these Protect Medicaid organizations to help amplify your tweets:
@MedicaidMtrsNY @NYAIL @NY_StateWide @hcfany @cpc_nyc @CDFNewYork @CPHS_NY @CSSNYorg @NYHCampaign
Key Hashtags:
#CancelCuomosCuts (from Budget Justice campaign)
Sample Tweets:
No More Cuts Tweets
We’ve said it all along – across the board cuts to #Medicaid and other critical human services are a choice. @NYGovCuomo @NYSenDems @NYSA_Majority let’s make the right choice for millions of New Yorkers by saying #NoMoreCuts and choosing to raise revenues instead.
@bradhoylman @SenatorBiaggi @NYSenatorRivera want to return to legislating. Who’s with them? We need @NYSenDems and @NYSA_Majority to protect #Medicaid and other vital services and tell @NYGovCuomo #NoMoreCuts to critical programs during a global pandemic. #CancelCuomosCuts
“We certainly do not want to balance our budget on the backs of the most vulnerable”- Sen. @AndreaSCousins. We agree! @NYGovCuomo @NYSenDems @NYSA_Majority Please make the right choice: Say #NoMoreCuts to critical health & human services & raise revenues.
@NYGovCuomo said how we respond to #COVIDー19 is a test of our character. We agree. @NYSenDems @NYSA_Majority: Protect #Medicaid & other human services from across the board cuts during this critical time. We can respond to the crisis & say #NoMoreCuts by raising revenue.
Sen. @AndreaSCousins said “Everything is on the table” to address New York’s budget shortfall. How about raising targeted revenues through an ultra-wealth tax, borrowing federal funds & saying #NoMoreCuts of critical services during this pandemic? #CancelCuomosCuts
The choices that we make are the choices that matter. @NYGovCuomo @NYSenDems @NYSA_Majority Please make the right choice for all New Yorkers: Say #NoMoreCuts to vital health & human services & raise revenues during this critical time.
We know that New York is struggling right now, but across the board cuts to #Medicaid and other human services demand sacrifices that millions of vulnerable New Yorkers can’t afford. We can say #NoMoreCuts by simply raising revenues from the wealthiest New Yorkers.
Across the board cuts to Medicaid and other critical health and human services will surely worsen the disparities that are already far too prevalent throughout New York. Is in the midst of a global pandemic really the time to be doing this @NYGovCuomo?
Leadership is defined by how you treat those most vulnerable in a crisis. @NYGovCuomo @AndreaSCousins @CarlHeastie please say #NoMoreCuts to Medicaid and other critical services that seniors and disabled New Yorkers need now more than ever. #CancelCuomosCuts
$10 billion in budget cuts will disproportionately impact the vulnerable communities most impacted by #COVIDー19. @NYGovCuomo @NYSenDems @NYSA_Majority Please make the right choice for all New Yorkers: Say #NoMoreCuts to vital health & human services & raise revenues instead.
Protect Medicaid Tweets
@bradhoylman @SenatorBiaggi @NYSenatorRivera want to return to legislating. Who’s with them? We need @NYSenDems and @NYSA_Majority to #ProtectMedicaid NOW and tell @NYGovCuomo #NoMedicaidCuts during a global pandemic.
@NYGovCuomo said that how we respond to #COVID-19 is a test of our character. We agree! @NYSenDems and @NYSA_Majority: Please #ProtectMedicaid. We can respond adequately to this crisis AND say #NoMedicaidCuts if we are willing to raise revenues.
Leadership is defined by how you treat those most vulnerable in a crisis. @AndreaSCousins @CarlHeastie please #ProtectMedicaid and tell @NYGovCuomo #NoMedicaidCuts. We must safeguard critical services for seniors and disabled New Yorkers during this pandemic.
By cutting #Medicaid even further, our State will sacrifice additional federal matching dollars right when we need it most. @NYGovCuomo: why turn down free federal $ during an economic downturn? #ProtectMedicaid #NoMedicaidCuts
@NYGovCuomo will soon submit a budget balance plan that will likely include even more devastating #Medicaid cuts. @NYSenDems @NYSA_Majority please #ProtectMedicaid and urge #NoMedicaidCuts during a global pandemic.
You heard it straight from @NYDailyNews @JWMason1 @nzewde last month: This is the WORST possible time to cut #Medicaid. Please @AndreaSCousins @CarlHeastie #ProtectMedicaid and urge @NYGovCuomo not to cut Medicaid even further at this critical time. #NoMedicaidCuts
Aren’t $2.5 billion in #Medicaid cuts during a global pandemic enough? Please @AndreaSCousins @CarlHeastie #ProtectMedicaid and urge @NYGovCuomo not to cut Medicaid even further at this critical time. #NoMedicaidCuts
6.3 million of New York’s children, seniors, individuals with disabilities and low-income families rely on Medicaid to meet their fundamental healthcare needs. Now – more than ever – we must #ProtectMedicaid to fight #COVID19 and say #NoMedicaidCuts!
Across-the-board #Medicaid provider cuts + attacks on home care & long term care during a pandemic = a recipe for disaster. Why cut Medicaid even further at this critical time @NYGovCuomo? @NYSenDems @NYSA_Majority Please #ProtectMedicaid and urge #NoMedicaidCuts.
We know that New York is struggling right now, but NYers are already sacrificing to fight #COVIDー19. More cuts to #Medicaid demand sacrifices 6.3 million NYers can’t afford. We can say #NoMedicaidCuts & #ProtectMedicaid by simply raising revenues from the wealthiest NYers.
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