You fought. The Senate and Assembly listened.
BUT – we are not done yet, and we cannot stop now!
The final budget deadline is April 1, and the fight isn’t over.
Your advocacy has worked – both the Senate and Assembly budget proposals rejected the devastating cuts to CDPA.
Governor Cuomo’s cuts to the only program created BY disabled people FOR disabled people still threaten its very existence. He is criticizing both houses for failing to eliminate 90% of the fiscal intermediaries in existence today. He is even more angry they have not had their non-wage reimbursement cut by over 500%.
Powerful interests like the managed care industry are lining up with the Governor – against us.
Thanks to you, we are winning. But, the thing about powerful interests – they expect to win. They will do whatever is necessary to try to cut this program and benefit from the suffering of those who rely on it. They will encourage both the Assembly and Senate to sell you out behind closed doors. We must make sure your Senators and Assemblymembers know you are still paying attention.
Send a message to your Senator and Assemblymember. Thank them for standing with you to #SaveCDPA. Let them know that you are watching as the budget process continues. Ask them to speak up with their colleagues and to Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins and Speaker Heastie, demanding this issue not drift as a priority.
Together, we can fight the powerful interests in Albany.
Together, we can make history.
Together, we will #SAVECDPA