This is a busy time in our fight to #SaveCDPA. At the same time we are fighting Governor Cuomo’s efforts to put in place more cuts through his Medicaid Redesign Team, we are also continuing to fight the draconian cuts to the program from last year. And right now, we are in a critical moment. If you haven’t done so already, this is the last week to make your thoughts known about the new rules that will determine the future of CDPA.
On September 1, 2019, the new reimbursement scheme briefly took effect, and despite DOH saying it would have no impact on consumers or workers, we saw wages go to minimum wage, at the direction of managed care plans, PA’s ability to work overtime eliminated, and consumers go without needed hours.
In short, it was chaos.
Now, the Department of Health is looking to impose these rules again. We need to make sure they know consumers, PAs, and allies are against them, because we know they will do irreparable harm to the program.
We need you to send a letter to DOH before February 29!
CDPAANYS has drafted several different pre-written letters you can use. They are ready to go “as-is,” but we encourage you to add personal details!
Let DOH know:
- Were you affected when these cuts were in effect last fall? What happened?
- How will cutting funding to Consumer Directed Personal Assistance affect you?
- What will happen to your workers’ pay and overtime?
- What will happen to you/your loved ones if you can’t find workers?
- If you lose your CDPA services, what would that mean?
As always, thank you for your support. The fight to #SaveCDPA exists because of you and your commitment to this program.
Click the link below to log in and send your message: