Born out of the Independent Living Movement, which took root in the 1960’s and 1970’s, LICIL is driven by a core social philosophy that emphasizes personal responsibility and individual choice. The Independent Living concept also affirms that environmental hurdles and outdated public opinions are the barriers that have long inhibited the progress of individuals with disabilities. LICIL aims to function as a catalyst to combat these issues and bring about much needed change to fully include persons with disabilities into the fabric of American life.
One of 41 Independent Living Centers operating in New York State, LICIL is governed by a board of directors, which includes a minimum of 51 percent of persons with disabilities. The Center’s day-to-day services are provided primarily by professional staff members who are disabled themselves.
Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.
3601 Hempstead Turnpike, Suite 500
Levittown, NY 11756
The Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.
is a non-for-profit organization established in 1980.
TEL: 516-796-0144 En Español: 516-796-6176
TTY: 516-796-0135 Fax: 516-796-0529 / 516-520-1247
E-MAIL: info@licilinc.org
COPYRIGHT 2024, Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.