Tell the Legislature: One size does NOT fit all!

One size does NOT fit all!Everyone has done a GREAT job getting the word out. Senators and Assembly members have heard about the damage the Governor’s ill conceived proposals would cause.However, our opponents are out there saying that CDPA is out of control, that we should limit the numbers, and that a flat fee is the right direction.
We know this is not true.
As the Legislature finishes their process of coming up with their individual responses to the Governor, we cannot let up.
We must make sure the Leaders of each House hears us as they put out their proposals.
On Friday, March 8:
Call the Speaker of the Assembly and the Majority Leader of the Senate and make sure they hear us, in addition to their members.
Tell them,
“When it comes to CDPA, we need choices. One size does not fit all.
We need choice of FIs and steady funding for FIs. Reject the Governor’s cuts to CDPA.”
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins: 1518-455-2585
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie: 518-455-3791
Thank you. We need to keep up the pressure. We can’t stop now!