Tell your Congresspersons to Support DIA today!
The time is now.
Thank you all for your efforts in contacting members of Congress leading up to the midterm elections. Now, we have an opportunity to make a final push for cosponsorship before the end of the current Congressional session. Members of Congress can make a definite statement in support of disability rights before the year is out.
We need as many members of Congress as possible to cosponsor the Disabilty Integration Act.
The Disability Integration Act (S.910/HR.2472), or DIA, is bipartisan legislation to protect disabled people’s constitutional right to liberty by addressing the institutionalization of the Disability Community. The DIA establishes in Federal statute that people with disabilities have a civil right to live and receive services and supports in the community rather than being forced into institutions just to receive those services. The Disability Integration Act was introduced in the Senate by Senator Schumer (D-NY), and in the House by Representative Sensenbrenner (R-WI).
Community living should be an option for everyone, regardless of type of disability. Every day without this act is another day people are being needlessly institutionalized against their will, separated from their communities.
Please write your members of Congress, and ask them to cosponsor the Disability Integration Act. If they have already cosponsored the Act, ask if they will commit to being an initial cosponsor when the Act is introduced in the next session of Congress.
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Thank you for your advocacy!